Posts tagged “Cars

Cars in a Slough v 2.1


It would seem as though a bit of snow has fallen over the Canadian prairies.

Cars In A Slough

SASKATCHEWAN-123 There is an abandoned farm down the road from my cousin’s farm.  From the road, in a regular car, you can’t see these in the slough, but one day I was in my cousin’s grain truck…and there they were!  I trekked out, and here they were, better than expected.



Does The Moss Come Standard?


Spare Parts

Hey…who piston that shelf?

Highway 29

The road was filled with broken glass and gasoline/She wasn’t sayin’ nothin’, it was just a dream
The wind come silent through the windshield/All I could see was snow and sky and pines
I closed my eyes and I was runnin’/I was runnin’ then I was flyin’
Highway 29 – Bruce Springsteen, 1995